Thursday, September 18, 2008

General Motors' Electric Dreams

Amid the glamour and fanfare of its 100th anniversary, General Motors unveiled the new Chevrolet Volt to the public at the GM Renaissance building in downtown Detroit. Although the look is a far cry from the futuristic concept that GM unveiled to the public in 2007, the electric powered Volt is being hailed as its “moon shot’ in the green and fuel- efficient automobile category.

Company executives proclaimed that it is the car of the future for the giant American car maker and its attempt to show the world that General Motors, a producer of monster vehicles and rugged gas- guzzlers is also capable of producing a compact and fuel efficient car.

Here’s what Robert Snell of the Detroit News has to say about the new car that will begin production in 2010 and will start showing up in various show rooms all over the United States by 2011--

The Volt will operate like a plug-in hybrid;

it will be rechargeable via a standard 110-volt outlet and able to travel up to 40 miles on electric power alone. The car also will have a gas engine that powers a generator to recharge the battery and keep the vehicle running when its lithium-ion battery pack runs low on power.

The vehicle could cost as much as $40,000 because of its expensive batteries, and Congress is considering tax breaks for plug-in vehicles that would defray the purchase cost of the Volt.

Now, whether they will remain a leader in this field in two years time remains to be seen.

I am sure that the Japanese carmakers will not back down on the challenge that their American counterpart has hurled on this side of Motown.

I’m sure Toyota and Honda are cooking up something and will come up with their own versions of the electric car in the near future.

Whatever the outcome, I am sure that the buying public will surely benefit from it. In the end, it will be good for us and the planet to be less dependent on the big oil.

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